
Before You Start Bushwhacking!

This site is currently under construction, but you are welcome to poke around!
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...or direct comments and suggestions to Elissa

Access to meaningful research opportunities at the post-secondary and undergraduate level for many students is challenging, and represents a significant barrier that prevents students from entering scientific fields. Leveraging the accessibility of simulation- and coding- based projects can help alleviate this gap in equity, allowing students to develop impactful research projects in a self-directed manner, even if they are resource-limited.

Understory provides:

  1. Background Information: in the form of a text that covers topics relevant to the project
  2. Outside Resources: for learning more about the topics covered (open-access where possible)
  3. Research Guide: a tutorial-style guide for students to help them develop a research project utilizing shadie. Appropriate for advanced high school and undergraduate students
  4. Research Hub: an online home where outcomes of research projects utilizing shadie can be accessed. This hub is maintained on the shadie documentation site, but Understory provides specific instructions encouraging students to contribute to this resource. This allows them to engage with the community, publish their work informally, and for scientists in the field to benefit from what they find.